
Laughter is the best medicine

There is so much I can say about Jacquay, aka Mrs. Idris Elba, but the number one thing is I love her damn laugh! It is so infectious that you can’t help but laugh along with her. She has an amazing imagination. Jacquay made up an entire story about feeling like a Lieutenant Govern’s wife. She even made up what he would be wearing! I enjoyed her experience because we never stopped laughing. Listen to her speaking about the experience and getting her products below. Enjoy!

Black woman laying back onto a green sofa. Her hand is on her chest and the other hand on her thigh. She is looking up at the camera
black woman with black silk sheet wrapped around her body. Her hand is on her chest and the other grips the sheet on her leg
black woman with her head on a bronze metal headboard.
images of the same Black women with the name Olesha spelled out in the center

I guide Black women in loving and honoring their bodies as they are now through boudoir photography in my female lead private Maryland studio.